My Response to the Parent Who's Worried their Homeschooled Child Will Be Socially Awkward
I got the question today. One of the questions we homeschool parent's hear often.
"How do I homeschool my child without making him grow up to be socially awkward and not make it totally obvious he was homeschooled?"
The worried mama went on to explain that her dad told her he can tell right away when he meets an adult if they were homeschooled because their actions make it very obvious and they are socially awkward.
First off, let me just say that I was public schooled and I'm totally socially awkward, while two of my homeschooled sons walk up to anyone and everyone and can start up a conversation without any hesitation. There are socially awkward people in all school settings, homeschool, public school, and private school. It's not something exclusive to homeschoolers.
Second, I encourage my children to be set apart as Christians and not conform to the world. They are free to be themselves and follow their interests and dreams without having to worry about being bullied. Much easier as homeschoolers to be YOU and not what the world says is normal.
Third, maybe homeschoolers are the normal ones? I grew up in a system that awarded SAT scores, conformity and blending in. School was more of a giant lesson on trying to be like everyone else, so you didn't end up eating alone at the lunch table or even worse bullied. Upon graduation I had no idea who I was anymore and spent the next 10 years trying to find her. I tell my husband all the time that I wish I would have been homeschooled so I could have avoided all of that.
Lastly, is being obvious you were homeschooled really a bad thing? I mean, when I look at what "normal" teens and young adults are celebrating these days, I pray my children don't grow up to be "normal." I pray my children know who they are in Christ and grow up being themselves. I pray they never conform to what the world deems normal. I pray they are free to be weird.
"How do I homeschool my child without making him grow up to be socially awkward and not make it totally obvious he was homeschooled?"
The worried mama went on to explain that her dad told her he can tell right away when he meets an adult if they were homeschooled because their actions make it very obvious and they are socially awkward.
First off, let me just say that I was public schooled and I'm totally socially awkward, while two of my homeschooled sons walk up to anyone and everyone and can start up a conversation without any hesitation. There are socially awkward people in all school settings, homeschool, public school, and private school. It's not something exclusive to homeschoolers.
Second, I encourage my children to be set apart as Christians and not conform to the world. They are free to be themselves and follow their interests and dreams without having to worry about being bullied. Much easier as homeschoolers to be YOU and not what the world says is normal.
Third, maybe homeschoolers are the normal ones? I grew up in a system that awarded SAT scores, conformity and blending in. School was more of a giant lesson on trying to be like everyone else, so you didn't end up eating alone at the lunch table or even worse bullied. Upon graduation I had no idea who I was anymore and spent the next 10 years trying to find her. I tell my husband all the time that I wish I would have been homeschooled so I could have avoided all of that.
Lastly, is being obvious you were homeschooled really a bad thing? I mean, when I look at what "normal" teens and young adults are celebrating these days, I pray my children don't grow up to be "normal." I pray my children know who they are in Christ and grow up being themselves. I pray they never conform to what the world deems normal. I pray they are free to be weird.