The 5 Biggest Blessings of a Large Family

I heard it again as we were browsing through the produce section, "5 kids!? Are they all yours?" "Yes." I replied, with a smile. "Well, I couldn't do that!" she huffed, as she walked away.  

In today's culture, anything above the standard 2 children is seen as strange. Children are seen as a burden, rather than a blessing. Sadly, I even see it in the church. 

The Bible says:
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate. Psalms 127:3‭-‬5 

I promise you, every single one of my 5 children are the biggest blessings in my life. 

They have brought so much joy and purpose into my life. 

I know what you're's selfish to have more children, when you can't afford more. I say, God has ALWAYS provided. 

Yes, there are some challenges to having a large family. There are challenges no matter if you have 1 child or 18 children, but the blessings will always far outweigh the challenges.

The 5 biggest blessings of having a large family are:

1. No one is ever bored. 

In a large family, there's always something going on and someone to play with. From various projects like building a fort or a Lego kit, a house project, gardening, etc. there is always something happening in our home. 

There are many children of various ages so they always have at least one person to play with. They can even play multi player board games like Monopoly and not have to wait for friends to come over. 

2. Our house is the fun home. 

Since we have so many children of various ages,  neighborhood kids seem to flock to our home. We also have many fun group play things in the backyard, which makes it really fun when friends come over. 

And trust me, it's a good thing to be the fun home when you're bringing up your children, especially when they become teens. 

3. They will always have each other. 

Having many siblings, they will always have a support system. They have their fights, but they have a fierce love for each other and always protect each other. 

4. God is shaping and molding me into who he has called me to be. 

Before having kids, I was just a silly, selfish girl who thought she knew it all and could do whatever she wanted and didn't need help. Then kids happened. I slowly grew less selfish, and once I got to number 4, I realized I couldn't do it on my own. I knew I needed Jesus. I really grew closer to the Lord and learned to trust in Him and find my peace and strength in Him. Now, my day starts and ends with Him, with lots of little meetings throughout my day for help, before I lose it. I'm slowly becoming the woman of God He is calling me to be. 

5. A large family can bring more people to Jesus. 

Our mission as Christians is to proclaim the gospel and bring as many people to Jesus as we can.

My 8 & 6 year old sons told me that one of their neighborhood friends didn't know Jesus. He comes from an atheist home and had never heard the gospel. My sons told me that they have been telling him about Jesus while they play and they even pray for him and his family every night. He is now a believer and they still pray for his family every night. 

If I would have stopped at 2 children, that child may have grown up never hearing the gospel from a Christian. 

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Mark 16:15 

Every child is a blessing. Trust God and enjoy your family!


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