Prayer for My Sons

Mamas, we are in a battle right now for our sons. We are in a battle for all of our children, but today I'm speaking to the boy mamas. Satan's job is easier than ever before with our current culture and it's going downhill fast. 

I mean, it's considered normal for our children to be entertained by what God calls sin, for children to have access to things on their hand held devices that grown people shouldn't be looking at, for parents and children to be separated all day with their own lives, for parents to work all day and come home too tired and stressed out, schools that teach that we were not created, but evolved from a rock, and God taken out of schools. Not only that, but if you speak against these things you're considered weird and made fun of. 

We need to wake up and be very diligent. Their eternity depends on it. 

We spend countless hours teaching and caring for our children,  but let's not forget our greatest resource - prayer!

God’s power is greater than the power of the enemy over their children’s lives. 

Prayer for my son:

Heavenly Father, I pray that my son would develop into a true man of God and that his life would manifest the godly fruit of the Spirit that You desire to show forth in each of our lives.

You Lord are the light of the world, and I pray that this son of mine would become a shining light reflecting the glory of Jesus in all that he says and does. I pray also, that he would become a man who lives his life in spirit and truth, casting away all the works of darkness, deception and falsehood, and clothing himself with the armour of light, in this increasingly dark and dangerous world.

I pray, that he would be willing to allow the searchlight of Your Holy Spirit to identify in him any areas in his life that may dishonour and displease You, and I ask that You would guide him into all truth, so that in every way he is pleasing in Your sight. May his life be honouring to Your name and may he learn to walk in spirit and truth until his life’s end. In Jesus' name I pray,



For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12


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