Are You Thinking About Homeschooling? Here are Some Fun Facts.

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've most likely seen the CDC guidelines for reopening schools this fall or maybe you saw the Fullerton School District mock reopening photo shoot on their Facebook page. Due to these possible decisions, many parents are thinking about homeschooling, and for good reason!

I've been advocating for homeschooling for a while now and I'm here to tell you, you can absolutely do it!

Here are some fun facts about HOMESCHOOLING 🥰

When it comes to test taking, home school kids consistently out-perform public school kids in EVERY subject.

Their scores are largely unaffected by external factors such as household income, amount of money spent on education, and whether or not their parents were certified teachers.

Homeschool students graduated from college at a higher rate than their peers.

In a study measuring communication, daily living skills, SOCIALIZATION, and maturity, homeschoolers outscored public school kids on EVERY level.

Don't think you're smart enough?
1. Why put your child through the same system that left you feeling like you're not smart enough to teach a child.
2. Most curriculums tell you exactly what to teach your child and come with answer keys.
3. It's ok to ask for help from other parents or hire a tutor for a specific subject.

Don't think you're patient enough?
Neither did I, but turns out I was wrong.

Don't have time?
We make time for what we prioritize.

Don't think you can afford it?
There are free or extremely affordable curriculum options. You can even homeschool with just a library card.

Still don't think you can do it? Pray for God to show you a way and watch this for more motivation!

My favorite curriculums:

Free resources:

Be sure to check out HSLDA for more information, homeschool laws, and how to get started on your homeschool journey.


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