Just a Stay at Home Mom

"Just a stay at home mom"

I cringe when I hear those words come from another mama's lips.

Believe me, I've been guilty of letting that ugly words slip out of my mouth before too.

Just what do we do?

We JUST devote 24 hours a day, day after day raising up our children in the Lord.

We JUST spend 24/7 putting everyone else's needs above our own.

We JUST make our life's work about the needs of our husband and children.

We JUST go days, weeks, even months without a break.

We JUST go days without showering most weeks, because there isn't enough time in the day and no one to help.

We JUST manage our household and keep it running smoothly without ever getting thanks.

We JUST spend 5+ years without ever going to the bathroom alone.

We're JUST everything to everyone, and everything would fall apart without us.

So the next time you're about to use that ugly 4 letter word....stop! Stop devaluing yourself mama.

Your worth is far more precious than jewels and you were called for this purpose.


  1. Needed to read this today. :) Hope you and the kiddos are doing well.

    1. Thank you! We all need this reminder sometimes! ;)

  2. So, so true! I've uttered that "just" word a few times myself. Learning to catch myself before it comes out now. Yes, I so needed to read this today, thank you!

  3. Such a great post. Leaving the "just" off that statement would make it so much more empowering!

  4. This post is very hopeful for homemakers. Every part of motherhood requires sacrifice but it is truly worth it.

  5. This was beautiful, great read

  6. So true!
    That four letter word slips out far to often. You don't really hear anyone else add it to their line of work - "I'm just a doctor or i'm just a lawyer...

    1. Exactly! They wouldn't be where they are without their mother.

  7. My favorite is: “Don’t you get bored?!” Lol!!

  8. Yes I agree! That just word is a nuisance! So glad you brought it up!


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