Baby Number Five's Birth Story

From the beginning of my pregnancy I knew I wanted a natural, peaceful birth with a midwife and doula.

Much to my dismay, at 35 weeks I was diagnosed with ICP (Intrahapatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy) which meant I would need to be induced at 37 weeks of pregnancy. I was devastated.

I discussed options for the most natural route of being induced with my doula and the doctor at my OBGYN's office. At my last appointment I was 4cm dilated and the baby was low enough to where my doctor thought if they induced me by AROM (artificial rupture of membranes) I would go into labor naturally and wouldn't need Pitocin.

Fast forward to birthing day...

My husband and I arrived at the hospital the morning of my induction and met my birth team. I was thrilled one of my favorite midwives was on call that day. I was also really impressed with my nurse because she was supportive of my birth plan and coming from a birth center she was naturally minded as well.

When my doula arrived we all went over the induction plans and what I wanted. Everyone was very supportive and I felt confident.

At 10:45am my midwife broke my water. I was 4cm dialted, 80% effaced, and a -1 station. My midwife wanted me to naturally start having regular contractions within 6 hours or she said we would think about starting low dose Pitocin.

My husband, my doula, and I spent the afternoon walking around labor and delivery trying to bring on contractions. I was having them here and there, but they weren't regular. I also started feeling pain in my back during contractions so my doula suggested doing the Miles Circuit and it helped to repositon the baby and took the pain away in my back.

It was getting close to the 6 hour mark, so we asked the nurse if we could try using the breast pump for nipple stimulation to try to induce labor. I only used the pump for about 10 minutes and contractions immediately started coming closer together! Once labor started it went fast! Under 2 hours! Around 6:00pm they were starting to become regular and feeling more intense. I wanted to sit on the birthing ball and my doula rubbed my lower back and did hip squeezes through contractions while my husband rubbed my shoulders. They were so encouraging and made an amazing team.

Not long after that my midwife came in and checked me and I was at 7cm. She told me if I started to feel pushy to let her know.

The minute after she left the room the pain started to feel unbearable and I wanted to get in the water asap. My doula had the bathroom set up relaxing with strings of white lights draped across the shower for dim lighting. She went into the bathroom to turn on the shower while I was holding onto my husband.

Right when she was coming back into the room I said I think he's coming I feel like I need to push. So my midwife ran in and I climbed onto the bed on all fours, supporting myself on my hands and knees. My husband was holding a cool cloth with essential oils on my forehead and the back of my neck. I let my body take over and naturally pushed out our baby. My husband had wanted to catch him but he was supporting me and holding my hands so the midwife caught our baby boy and immediately slipped him under me into my arms. Our beautiful baby boy was born at 7:53pm. It was an incredible moment that we will never forget.

Psalm 127
Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,
the fruit of the womb a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior
are the children of one’s youth.
Blessed is the man
who fills his quiver with them!
He shall not be put to shame
when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.


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