What I've Learned About Myself

I've learned a few things about myself over the past 6 months or so.

1. I miss blogging. I used to blog a year or so ago, but I stopped because life was hectic and trying to find moments throughout the day to even think felt impossible.  So, I deleted everything and just figured it wasn't for me. 

2. I prefer blogging over vlogging. I had several women message me telling me how I encouraged them as a wife or as a homeschooling mom so I decided to start a YouTube channel, thinking it would be way easier to vlog. That I could just say what was on my heart and that was it. Well, apparently I can't put what is going on in my brain into audible words. It's like a disconnect from my brain to my mouth and it comes out all jumbled. INFJ problems I guess. But, I really enjoy writing. I can usually get my thoughts onto paper without much effort at all.

3. Writing is therapeutic for me. Okay, maybe I already knew that about myself, but I've learned I need to allow myself this outlet.

I will leave my YouTube channel up and vlog when I'm feeling inspired, but this blog will be my main platform. My life may hectic with 5 boys (2 of them being toddlers), homeschooling, and all things momlife, but I hope I can be an encouragement to you.


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