From Teen Mom to Mom of a Teen

Motherhood is a beautiful, crazy, wonderful and chaotic journey.

As a teen mom, I grew up with my son. Looking back, I was just a baby myself.

I didn't have a clue what I was doing. I made a million mistakes.

But, thankfully, by the grace of God he is turning out to be an awesome guy!

He loves Jesus.

He loves and respects his dad and I.

He takes pride in being the oldest and helping his younger brothers.

He doesn't just go along with what someone says, instead he researches it for himself and comes up with his own conclusion.

He's a critical thinker.

He doesn't follow what culture says is cool and is always himself.

He has an awesome sense of humor.

He is fun to hang out with and yes, he still hangs out with his mama. He isn't embarrassed to be seen with me in public. Instead we have a good time.

He isn't afraid to be himself.

I'm so proud and blessed to be his mother.


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