Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2020-2021

Here we are beginning our 7th year of homeschooling and what a journey it has been! I've gone through so many different curriculums and tried just about every homeschooling style there is! Ok, not every style but I've gone through quite a few! I'm finally in that sweet spot where I know what works for me and my kids.

This year I'm homeschooling ages 16, 12, 10, 5 and I have my 2 year old and 2 month old tagging along. 

Before I tell you what we are using I should add I'm following my 5 year old son's lead. I think children learn best through play at this age and will only be implementing book work if he is interested. He has learned is ABC's, letter recognition, all of his letter sounds, number recognition, counting 1- I think I heard him count to 101 last week, shapes, colors, etc. just through play. Letting them start when they are ready is a beautiful thing! I so wish I would have known that from the beginning!

So here is what we are using for homeschooling this year...

For Language Arts, Bible, Art, History, Social Studies, Geography and Science....

We are using Gather Round Homeschool for ALL of our children together... and I couldn't be more excited! It's a Charlotte Mason inspired, interest led unit study written to be done with all of your children ages preschool - 12th grade. It covers all of their subjects, except math, labs and a learn to read program (which is being written). So this is right up my alley! We just started our year with their Space unit. 

The only thing I'm adding to it is we will be creating a timeline and adding people and events to it as we go. Since we won't be studying History chronologically, I think it will be valuable to be able to see the people and events we are studying visually on a timeline. I believe it also helps cement things in to our brains, especially for visual and hands on learners. 

I will add labs for my 16 year old son. 

We will also be adding in Bible studies by Not Consumed. We are using the Obey Bible study to start our year and it is so rich and easy to implement with our large family! I like them so much I actually signed up as an affiliate, so check them out here! Not Consumed

For Math....

My 16 year old son is using CTC Math. 

My 12 year old son is using CTC Math as well as Right Brain Math.

My 10 year old son is using CTC Math.

My 5 year old son's math will be included in Gather Round Homeschool and should be released by the end of the month.

And that's it! I'm keeping it simple this year and I couldn't be more excited!

I'd love to hear what your family is using in the comments!


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